Building Me
Are things pretty good, yet you're still wondering what's next? Are you looking for new challenges? Do you want to grow and get more out of life? It is good to take stock of your life from time to time. This can help you understand what is important to you and where you would like to focus your time and energy next. Clarifying your direction and goals can help you live a meaningful and satisfying life.

What's the matter?
You may be so caught up in other priorities that you have no time for yourself. It has been a long time since you last spent some time thinking about your life and its direction. Over the years you may have drifted into activities that are ultimately not very meaningful to you. Perhaps they were at one time, but the shine has worn off. What used to excite you no longer gives you the same satisfaction. Maybe you've already achieved your goals and are wondering what's next. All this can make you feel a little hollow and grey, even though nothing is really wrong.
How can Auntie help?
The starting point for personal development is good self-knowledge. Together with an Auntie professional, you can look at and evaluate your life, strengths, values and goals. Even small changes in thinking habits or everyday routines can give you extra energy. In addition, clarifying your direction can help you make decisions, such as skills and aspects of yourself to develop, that will take you towards the life you desire.
Do you believe your organisation could benefit from Auntie?
With the information you provide, we plan to get in touch with your organisation to discuss the advantages of Auntie and potential steps for implementation.

A little about Auntie
Auntie offers preventive mental wellbeing services that, for example, help employees find new perspectives and solutions to situations that cause stress or weaken motivation before they become overwhelming.
Employees can book confidential one-to-one sessions with a qualified mental wellbeing professional. They also get easy access to a wide range of online mental wellbeing exercises and other related materials.
Auntie mental wellbeing professionals are e.g., psychologists, psychotherapists and brief therapists.
stress reduction
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Read what Auntie’s customers have
to say about us
Letting these things out in the presence of a professional has boosted my self-confidence. Thanks to Auntie’s psychological support, I’ve had many ”Aha!” moments and insights that I can now apply in my private as well as my professional life.
Juha Falck
Sales Executive at Qvik
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