Flexible pricing for teams of all sizes
Whether you’re a small business or large enterprise, our flexible and scalable pricing options provide you with exactly the right mental health support for your team.
Get a full access to Auntie packages and extensive mental health exercises and readings for your team with our service models. Ask us more for information.
Trusted by over 450 brighter businesses worldwide
What is the return on investment (ROI) of investing in your employees' mental wellbeing?
Based on the number of employees in your organization, we can show you the monthly and annual estimated savings and the ROI percentage if you invest in a service like Auntie to prevent mental wellbeing-related sick leaves.
Do you want to comprehensively understand the return on investment for your organisation's mental wellbeing investments? Get in touch with us, and we'll schedule a meeting to share the numbers with you, with no obligation!
The ROI of investing in mental health
Like any workplace initiative, it’s important to consider cost and the return on investment. We created this helpful guide to answer those questions — and explain perhaps a more relevant one: the cost of not investing in mental health?