What is the ROI of investing in employees’ mental health?
Or the cost to employers when they do not?

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We spend one-third of our life at work. This should be a place where we feel comfortable to freely express our needs, whether physical or mental. What happens when employers do not provide such an environment? What is the cost of an employee who does not feel 100 % well at work but still shows up without saying anything? Or the cost of long sick leaves and burnout?
Most importantly, what can employers do to prevent and improve the situation, and what is the ROI of doing so?
In this e-book we will answer these questions as well as give tips on interventions you can do in your company to make sure your employees are happy at work.

A little about Auntie
Auntie offers preventive mental wellbeing services that, for example, help employees find new perspectives and solutions to situations that cause stress or weaken motivation before they become overwhelming.
Employees can book confidential one-to-one sessions with a qualified mental wellbeing professional. They also get easy access to a wide range of online mental wellbeing exercises and other related materials.
Auntie mental wellbeing professionals are e.g., psychologists, psychotherapists and brief therapists.
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