Loveboat Sinking

Are you in a relationship that seems to be going downhill? Is it preventing you from concentrating on your work? Many things put a strain on relationships, and sometimes couples just drift apart. If a relationship takes more energy than it gives, it is good to think about what you can do about it. This package is for individuals, although the discussion topics are about relationships.
Auntie package: Loveboat sinking

What's the matter?

You may feel that the relationship is not what it used to be, or that it no longer meets your hopes and expectations. Perhaps the possibility of separation has crossed your or your partner's mind, or you are already separated and struggling to adjust. Your relationship with your partner is one of the most important relationships in your life, which is why relationship problems can be so difficult to resolve. It's easy for emotions to take over. To work out what you want from the current situation and how to move forward, it's important to reflect and find new perspectives.

How can Auntie help?

Tackling relationship problems early is important because the quality of a relationship often has a significant impact on our wellbeing and ability to function. If you don't know where to start or how to go about it, talking to a professional can be helpful. It can help you to clarify your own thoughts and feelings and to see the relationship, yourself and your partner from a new perspective. Although the package is designed for individuals, you can also do the exercises offered by a professional together with your partner if you wish.

Please note that this service is not suitable for dealing with serious relationship problems, such as domestic violence. If you have experienced mental abuse, physical, or sexual violence, or the threat of violence, in a close relationship, immediately contact your local health care provider or crisis support.

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a little about auntie

A little about Auntie

Auntie offers preventive mental wellbeing services that, for example, help employees find new perspectives and solutions to situations that cause stress or weaken motivation before they become overwhelming. 

Employees can book confidential one-to-one sessions with a qualified mental wellbeing professional. They also get easy access to a wide range of online mental wellbeing exercises and other related materials.

Auntie mental wellbeing professionals are e.g., psychologists, psychotherapists and brief therapists.

-22 %

stress reduction


customer satisfaction

97 %

recommend Auntie



130 +

qualified Auntie professionals

25 +


Read what Auntie’s customers have
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I personally find that everyone would benefit from talking to someone at some point in their lives, or even at regular intervals, so that you can look in the mirror and see and hear yourself correctly. 

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All Auntie packages

Psychological support

Stressed Out

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Psychological support


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Lost in Transition

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Sleepless in Seattle

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Psychological support

Feeling Down

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Back to Business

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Psychological support

Loveboat Sinking

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Psychological support


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Coaching and development

Leading Me

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Coaching and development

Building Me

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Coaching and development

Good to Great

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Leader packages

Born to Lead

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Leader Packages

Dream Team in Process

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Leader packages

Leader in Rough Waters

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