Leader in Rough Waters
Has something hit the fan at work and disrupted your team? As rewarding as the role of a manager can be, it also requires dealing with challenging situations. To be able to support their team, supervisors also need time to reflect on the situation and consider how to proceed. An Auntie professional can help you navigate a difficult situation until the worst is over.

What's the matter?
Are you or your team in the eye of the storm and don't know how to get out? Are you struggling to stay calm yourself? As a manager, you are responsible for a lot, whether you like it or not. But in a difficult situation, when strong emotions are running high, rational thinking can take a back seat, limiting your ability to find solutions. It is important that you, as a manager, take care of your own ability to work and your own wellbeing. It's OK to need support in order to lead your team with a steady hand, even in the midst of a crisis.
How can Auntie help?
Conversations with an Auntie professional will help you step back from the turmoil and review your team's situation. This can help you to clarify alternative ways forward, as well as your own role in the situation and its resolution. You can also learn to understand and appreciate your own and your team members' reactions to a difficult situation, so that you can better contribute to the team's wellbeing.
Do you believe your organisation could benefit from Auntie?
With the information you provide, we plan to get in touch with your organisation to discuss the advantages of Auntie and potential steps for implementation.

A little about Auntie
Auntie offers preventive mental wellbeing services that, for example, help employees find new perspectives and solutions to situations that cause stress or weaken motivation before they become overwhelming.
Employees can book confidential one-to-one sessions with a qualified mental wellbeing professional. They also get easy access to a wide range of online mental wellbeing exercises and other related materials.
Auntie mental wellbeing professionals are e.g., psychologists, psychotherapists and brief therapists.
stress reduction
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qualified Auntie professionals

Ready to invest in your people?
We’d love to chat about how Auntie can help you build a brighter business.
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