
Has something unexpected and unpleasant happened in your life, or has something been bothering you for a long time? All kinds of things good and bad happen in life. Sometimes unforeseen events give you a pause or generate a whirlwind of emotions. When you are momentarily disrupted and upset, a conversation with an expert can help.
Auntie package: SOS

What's the matter?

Maybe you've experienced a stressful situation at work or at home, lost your job, or are worried about a loved one. When something is weighing on your mind and you find it making your everyday life difficult, it is good to get outside conversational support for the situation.

How can Auntie help?

Auntie's mental wellbeing professionals will support you and help you deal with the emotions and thoughts generated by life changes and difficult situations. The package focuses on identifying and utilizing your own resources, as well as strengthening resilience and hope.

If you have previously experienced a traumatic event, such as a serious personal crisis like the death of a loved one, violence, a serious accident, or if you are having suicidal thoughts, you should not use this service but contact your health care provider or crisis support.  Auntie does not carry out a health survey or assessment of the need for treatment, and Auntie professionals do not provide individual care instructions or guidance and advice that is part of health care.

Do you believe your organisation could benefit from Auntie?

With the information you provide, we plan to get in touch with your organisation to discuss the advantages of Auntie and potential steps for implementation.

a little about auntie

A little about Auntie

Auntie offers preventive mental wellbeing services that, for example, help employees find new perspectives and solutions to situations that cause stress or weaken motivation before they become overwhelming. 

Employees can book confidential one-to-one sessions with a qualified mental wellbeing professional. They also get easy access to a wide range of online mental wellbeing exercises and other related materials.

Auntie mental wellbeing professionals are e.g., psychologists, psychotherapists and brief therapists.

-22 %

stress reduction


customer satisfaction

97 %

recommend Auntie



130 +

qualified Auntie professionals

25 +


Read what Auntie’s customers have
to say about us

Auntie x City of Helsinki

When I left the sessions, I felt lighter. With an Auntie professional, I was able to move forward again a little in dealing with my grief.

ready to invest in your people all packages auntie

Ready to invest in your people?

We’d love to chat about how Auntie can help you build a brighter business.
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All Auntie packages

Psychological support

Stressed Out

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Psychological support


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Psychological support

Lost in Transition

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Psychological support

Sleepless in Seattle

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Psychological support

Feeling Down

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Psychological support

Back to Business

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Psychological support

Loveboat Sinking

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Psychological support


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Coaching and development

Leading Me

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Coaching and development

Building Me

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Coaching and development

Good to Great

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Leader packages

Born to Lead

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Leader Packages

Dream Team in Process

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Leader packages

Leader in Rough Waters

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