Auntie materials

Welcome to the Auntie material bank, the place for all things mental wellbeing,
productivity, personal development, mindfulness and more — thoughtfully curated by our team of mental health professionals.
Employee well-being

How to recognise burnout?

Do managers and leaders in your organisation know how are people doing in their team?

Employee well-being

What is the ROI of investing in employees’ mental health?

What is the cost of an employee who does not feel 100% well at work but still shows up?


Towards a brain-friendly life

Come to learn more about brain ergonomics. More information later.

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The antidote to loneliness in the workplace

This webinar offers an antidote to loneliness at the workplace by exploring practical strategies and cultural practices ...

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Balancing work and life

Many struggle to find the balance between efficient work time and restful after-work hours. The line between work and fr...

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Psychological safety at the workplace

Psychological safety is a vital element for teams, work communities and organisations that genuinely strive for success....

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Julkinen sektoriTyöhyvinvointi

Auntie supports ambitious researchers and managers - University of Oulu, Finland.

At the University of Oulu, the academic environment plays a crucial role in employee wellbeing. While work is quite auto...

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Workplace wellbeingIT Services or IT Consulting

Auntie enabling good work ability and business – Rakettitiede

Rakettitiede offers expertise in demanding software development by providing specialists for its customers’ product deve...

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gaming industrysuccess diaryStress and recovery

A new perspective from Auntie helped conquer feelings of inadequacy and avoid overworking – Anssi, Redhill Games

Anssi Kosonen works as a digital marketing manager at Redhill Games. He manages the company’s advertising on various dig...

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IT Services or IT ConsultingStress and recoverytime management

From Check-In to time management - Robert, Silo AI

Robert works as an AI engineer at Silo, and he has been with the fast-growing company for three years now. His tasks inc...

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Company news

Pirja Aarnio appointed as HR Director of Auntie Solutions Oy.

Pirja Aarnio has been appointed as the new HR Director and member of the Management Team of Auntie Solutions Oy. Prior t...

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Company news

Auntie's founder Mervi Lamminen passed away due to serious illness

We are sad to share that our founder and former CEO, Mervi, passed away on January 12th after bravely confronting a pers...

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Stress and recoverystress bucket

How’s your stress bucket holding up?

Are you aware that you carry a bucket with you at all times? Indeed, you do, although it's not visible. It's known as yo...

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LeadershipWorkplace wellbeing

Preventive support for mental wellbeing is the responsibility of first-line managers.

How can we reduce the challenges to mental wellbeing in the workplace and positively influence organisational culture? I...

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Employee well-being

Auntie in a Nutshell - How Auntie helped Mirja through a major change

In this video Johanna Varje, Head of Growth at Auntie Solutions Oy, talks about how Auntie can help when the going gets ...

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returning to workHR Podcastswell-being at work

Auntie Talks Podcast - Jenni Närvä - Back to Business

What are the challenges of people returning to work after a longer period of time away from the office due to the pandem...

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speak-up cultureEmployee engagementHR Podcasts

Auntie Talks Podcast - Anu-Kristiina Holm - Speak-up culture

What does it mean to have a speak-up culture? What does it represent in practice? Do people really feel free to express ...

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