Auntie blogs

Welcome to the Auntie blogs, the place for all things mental wellbeing,
productivity, personal development, mindfulness and more — written by our team of mental health professionals.
returning to workHR Podcastswell-being at work

Auntie Talks Podcast - Jenni Närvä - Back to Business

What are the challenges of people returning to work after a longer period of time away from the office due to the pandem...

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Auntie professionals' podcastspersonal life at workwell-being at work

Auntie Talks Podcast: Mikael Saarinen – How do personal problems affect well-being at the workplace?

If your heart is broken at home, it is also broken at the workplace, as we are holistic beings. Psychologist, psychother...

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Business serviceswell-being at work

Different, fresh and international - Auntie found its place at VTT

The people at VTT are passionate about doing research at the top of their field. Even when highly motivated, it’s easy t...

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employer imageIT Services or IT Consultingwell-being at work

At Qvik, Auntie is part of onboarding and caring - Qvik

Qvik is a Nordic technology company that does software consulting and focuses specifically on digital solutions develope...

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