Auntie Talks Podcasts
Welcome to listen to Auntie Talks Podcasts! We give solutions for everyday problems in 15 to 20 minutes in episodes with HR professionals from brighter organisations or our own Auntie professionals.
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returning to workHR Podcastswell-being at work
Auntie Talks Podcast - Jenni Närvä - Back to Business
What are the challenges of people returning to work after a longer period of time away from the office due to the pandem...
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speak-up cultureEmployee engagementHR Podcasts
Auntie Talks Podcast - Anu-Kristiina Holm - Speak-up culture
What does it mean to have a speak-up culture? What does it represent in practice? Do people really feel free to express ...
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employee activity clubsemployee activityHR Podcasts
Auntie Talks Podcast - Anu-Kristiina Holm - Employee activity promotes well-being
Anu-Kristiina Holm works as Head of People at Ericsson, Finland, where there are about 50 different nationalities amongs...
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HR Podcasts
Auntie Talks - Tiina Hahtovirta: Leading well-being remotely
Leading well-being remotely has become a key topic. Work practicalities had to be made safe for the whole team. Excellen...
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company imageHR PodcastsGrowth Company
Auntie Talks Podcast: Veera Lehmonen, Cuckoo Workout – Well-being services and company image
Veera Lehmonen, CEO of Cuckoo Workout – a growth company in the field of microbreaks for employees is Mervi Lamminen’s g...
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