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Auntie webinar:
How to overcome impostor syndrome?
Goodbye to impostor syndrome!
Are you convinced that you don't really know much of anything - others just think you know and understand things. Do you think it's a matter of chance that you've managed to achieve your goals and your current position in life? Especially younger professionals often feel that they are not good enough at their jobs. This goes along with the nagging fear of being discovered as the incompetent worker they feel they are.
This webinar will give you the keys to identify the phenomenon known as imposter syndrome and find ways to shrink it - instead of it shrinking you!
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A little about Auntie
Auntie provides preventative services for mental health that help employees to handle stress and motivation related challenges before they become overwhelming.
Employees get easy access to a wide range of online mental health exercises and readings, and the option to book confidential one-to-one sessions with a qualified mental health professional.
Trusted by over 450 brighter businesses worldwide