
Velkommen til Auntie-webinar! Du kan melde deg på våre månedlige webinarer som er gratis og åpne for alle. Alternativt kan du se tidligere webinarer når det passer deg best. Våre webinarer blir presentert av Auntie-veiledere og varer i omtrent 30 minutter.

Psychological safety in the workplace

Psychological safety is a vital element for teams, work communities and organisations that genuinely strive for success.

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Auntie webinar: Balancing work and life

This webinar will offer some helpful tips that can be used to develop better work-life boundaries, optimize the restorat...

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Giving and receiving feedback

This webinar will introduce you to the model of constructive feedback without forgetting the importance of positive feed...

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Setting the limits

Do you have a hard time saying no? Are you always the one who ends up taking responsibility and getting the job done?

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Selvledelse og suksess: Hvordan finne balansen?

Oppdag hemmelighetene bak å gjøre gode prioriteringer, nå målene dine og oppleve mer glede i arbeidslivet.

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Overprestasjon på jobben: Årsaker og en sunn balanse

I dette webinaret vil du lære hvordan du kan avgrense dine oppdrag og finne roen selv om det stormer rundt deg.

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How to overcome impostor syndrome?

This webinar will give you the keys to identify the phenomenon known as imposter syndrome and find ways to shrink it - i...

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Bedre psykisk helse på jobb og mindre sykefravær

I dette webinaret gir Tor Åge Eikerapen en grunnleggende innføring i hvordan du kan forstå og møte psykisk uhelse på en ...

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Improve your recovery and enjoy your free time

This webinar will help you to reflect on your recovery in your everyday life.

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How to help a stressed-out co-worker

This webinar will lead you to consider what you can do when you become concerned about your team mate's wellbeing. How c...

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Combining family and working life

Combining work and family life is something that almost all of us are familiar with. The challenges of balancing work an...

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Psychological safety at the workplace

What is psychological safety at work in particular? It's a shared belief held by members of a team that others on the te...

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Knowing yourself at work

What kind of an employee are you? What do you enjoy doing? What motivates you? What kind of work rhythm suits you? These...

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