Auntie materials

Welcome to the Auntie material bank, the place for all things mental wellbeing,
productivity, personal development, mindfulness and more — thoughtfully curated by our team of mental health professionals.
LeadershipWorkplace wellbeing

Preventive support for mental wellbeing is the responsibility of first-line managers.

How can we reduce the challenges to mental wellbeing in the workplace and positively influence organisational culture? I...

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Leadershipemotional leadership

Skilful emotional leadership enriches work atmosphere – learn the steps

Emotions travel through the walls of the workplace, moving with us everywhere, whether we like it or not. Social interac...

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Stepstones and pitfalls of successful leadership - part 2

Giving feedback, solving conflicts and increasing motivation There are situations which can cause a lot of sleepless nig...

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Leadershipsuccessful leader

Stepstones and pitfalls of a successful leader

Taking responsibility, setting boundaries and communicating openly The increasing need for experienced leaders encourage...

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LeadershipRemote work

The invisible remote worker

In the story of Tove Jansson’s “Invisible Child”, Too-ticky brings a girl to the Moomin House, Ninny, who has become inv...

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